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Student life can be challenging.

We're here to help!

We are researchers from around Aotearoa, based at the University of Otago. Our purpose is to help students improve their wellbeing and mental health. We do this by offering free online tools to help with common student challenges.

We know the tools we offer work. We have good evidence that online tools are just as effective as kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face). We want to know if they work better for some people than others. To find out which tools are best for which students we are running a research project across the motu at participating tertiary institutions. We will ask you to fill out a questionnaire and then invite you to enroll in an online programme or we will ask you to visit your own student health and counselling service where you study. Hoake!

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We provide three free online programmes:

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Online Modules

Work through cognitive behavioural therapy-based modules solo

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Modules + coach

Work through our online modules with support from a trained coach

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Skills Seminars

Join live zoom seminars where you can learn cognitive behavioural therapy skills

Get started?

To take part: you must be over 18, living in Aotearoa, and enrolled at one of the participating sites.

If you want to know more, head to the information page. 

The first step is to complete a survey. The survey takes about 30-40 minutes and will ask you about your current and past mental health. Some people feel some temporary distress when thinking about the things in their lives that are difficult so only take part if you want to and read the information at the start of the survey carefully. At the end of the survey, you will be enrolled in one of the three therapy options or given information about services at your place of study.

Please contact us if you would like us to help you complete the survey.

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Thanks for submitting!

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